
Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Missed to post this, it's some days older now, however, Austrian Death Machine is the new band of 'As I Lay Dying' Vocalist Tim Lambesis. It's a bit harder then 'AILD', but what really is annoying on this record are the dull nonsense trash talk skits that are present on alot of Tracks. Drab Metalcore on the rest of the record, which isn't that superior, either...
However, some Guitarsolo's have pleased me, so if you are in lust for some Metalcore or are a big 'Lay Dying' Fan, get it, otherwise, I wouldn't recommend you to do so.
Genre: Metalcore / Hardcore
Origin: San Marcos, CA
Label: MetalBlade
Street: July, 22nd
Length: 38:35 mins
Nfo: Austrian_Death_Machine-Total_Brutal-(Advance)-2008-FNT
MySpace: Here!

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